Most of us do not know who are we? No, I am not talking about your name, qualification or address. But I am talking about your instinctual identity, which we forget frequently. Have you ever observed why we get excited when somebody is talking about us? And do you know that it’s a human nature that we are always eager to get informed about anything which we are unaware of. But gone are the days when people used to appreciate others at their success, used to take care of others' actions. This is the reason why we don't understand ourselves. Not just that, but also because of our so called busy schedules we do not get any time to take care of ourselves. Slowly and gradually we forget our instinctual nature. The ultimate summarization is that we should, at regular intervals, bring out some time to analyze the person inside us who is willing to do something which we ignore, thinking them as unjustified desires. We think that we are living independently but in real sense at some or the other time we force our wishes not to be fulfilled, which doesn't seem to be a job of an independent person. So when you go to sleep at night just ask this question to yourself, "who am I?".